Page Description

Territories are the area's which cells, viruses and other types of microbes call home.
These are always located in a larger creature, called a 'host' if a virus or microbe isn't native to said creature.


Humans are never seen, except for on the inside. Cells may sometimes mention the name of their human. Yet, as hosts to SARS-CoV-2, humans do actually play a rather important role nonetheless. I can't draw humans, so there's no artwork of either listed character.

Murray Rivers

A sweet, animal loving Afro-American man. He's 88 year old and he lives with his wife and dog in Nashvile, Tennessee.
While doing groceries and walking past Hannah, who just has exhaled the last surviving virion of her already resolved infection, Mr. Rivers inhales the same virion again and gets infected. He catches COVID-19 really bad, becomes the first super spreader and source of multiple different variants of the virus, and eventually needs to get hospitalized on the intensive care. He appears in Virus Attack only.

Hannah Arkwright

A quirky caucasian girl. She's 17 years old, loves to sing and dance, and she lives with her mother, father and baby brother in London, England.
She gets infected, but she only developes mild symptoms and recovers quite fast. When her father and mother need to travel to the States for their job, they can't find someone who can look after their kids, so they take them with them and drop them off at their aunty and uncle's home in Tennessee. When fully recovered, Hannah joins her aunt to go to the grocery store, where she infects Mr. Rivers.

Guiying Leong

A funny Asian man. He's 35 years old and likes to make others laugh. He lives with his wife and son in Wuhan, China.
Mr. Leong was visiting his father and mother in a nearby village, and before returning home, he encountered a friendly wild fox when taking a short stroll. He decided to feed and pet the fox before going back to his parents house. During his interaction with the fox, he inhaled a virion, which quickly started to infect his cells.
Several days later, he went to a market in Wuhan while feeling a bit sick, but shrugs it off as just a cold (it's december, so yea...). He doesn't know that he has become the index patient of a new, deadly disease, and infects multiple other people at the market.

Minor Characters

Abigail White-Briggs and Anjali Chaudhary are two humans who are hosts to King Kumar and King Balthazar, respectively.
Mrs. White-Briggs is caucasian, 25 years old, and she lives with her wife in Brighton (England), while Chaudhary is Indian, 20 years old, and lives with her boyfriend in Bukit Batok (Singapore). Mrs. White-Briggs only has mild symptoms and recovers, Chaudhary gets it really bad and eventually dies in the hospital.

Lungs, Heart, Kidneys & Liver

Vital organs and strictly protected.
There are several cells who live in these organs, such as pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages (lungs), pacemaker cells and cardiomyocytes (heart), intercalated cells and principal cells (kidneys) and hepatocytes (liver).
Pathogenic species that know tricks to nest and evade immunity in these organs are hepatitis viruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses, streptococcus and Trichinella spiralis are examples.

Each species has its own requirements regarding places to nest. Respiratory cells and pathogens feel most comfortable in the respiratory tract because of the airflow and a certain temperature. Higher up the respiratory tract (upper part of the lungs,throat and nose) it is cooler than in the lower part of the lungs. Species that prefer the lower part of the lungs also usually like the somewhat higher levels of humidity there.

The liver and heart are two of three organs in the body which have the highest temperatures. Cells, viruses and bacteria who prefer such high temperatures mostly live here.

Stomach & Intestines

Places where the most hardy microbes prefer to live.
While most pathogens and some cells won't survive the acidic enviroment here, some like specialized gastrointestinal cells, norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, various Salmonella species, Escherichia coli, various Bifibacterium species and various worms.

The stomach is extremely acidic and highly humid. Because of the acid, it smells acidic too. This, and the fact that coming in contact with acid causes Acid Disease or painful burn wounds, microbes who aren't specifically made to survive the stomach's harsh climate, rather avoid this organ.

In the intestines, the pH level is neutralized, but there's almost no to zero oxygen present. Like in the stomach, it doesn't smell really nice here, as there's an amount of methane being produced from the digestive processes going on. The cells and microbes living here are used to the smell, but ones visiting from elsewhere don't like it.

Blood, Brain & Nervous System

Like the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, these are vital and strictly protected. The brain has its very own specialized protection.
These places are home to many cells, such as red blood cells, platelets, and various types of white blood cells (blood), neurons, macro/microglia cells, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells. Pathogens who know the tricks to nest here and evade immunity, are ebolavirus, nipahvirus, lyssa rabies virus, hepatitis viruses, HIV, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus and various Haemetozoa (blood parasites) species. SARS-CoV-2 is an example of a pathogen which doesn't usually infect the blood, but suddenly CAN decide to do so anyway. This happens rarely and it is the cause of MIS-C in young children (or MIS-A in adults), a severe multi-systemic disease that occurs a few weeks after a seemingly mild COVID-19 infection.

The blood is used as a meaning of fast travel by cells, but also some viruses, bacteria or parasites may make gladly use of it (often for ill intentions!).

The brain is hilly compared to most other organs. It is the third of the organs with the highest temperature.


The interstitium is a with fluid filled layer between muscles and the circulatory system. Only the interstitium of the lung is featured.
Many types of cells live here, such as fibroblasts, interstitial macrophages, dendritic cells and fatcells. Most pathogens known to cause infections here are bacteria, such as Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas and Aspergilles species. SARS-CoV-2 may nest in the interstitium too, but will eventually expand its territory to the inside of the lung, given it feels more comfortable there.

The enviroment is known for its collagen stuctures, which are build by fibroblast. These structures look like beams cris-crossed placed over each other. These beams are roosting places for fibroblasts. There are also small puddles to entire lakes filled with interstitial fluid.
SARS-CoV-2 virions can be seen enjoying a relaxing bath in the puddles, while they play or compete in swimming tournaments in the larger lakes. Young pups take swimming lessons in the there for specially appointed puddles.