Just a silly page where I display a WebNeko and a GIFYpet, pixels, stamps, more blinkies, bumperstickers and webbadges.
As always, click a picture to see who made them. Or, in case
I used a website to make these things/found them on a website, go to said website.
Pixels are made by me.
Do you see the kitty in the upper left corner of your screen? That's Rhino (from rhinovirus, given everything here is virus themed). If you click on him, he'll chase your mouse/finger wherever you place it. If you click him again, he'll return to his corner and stop chasing.
Have fun playing with Rhino!
This is Yanko. He's a SARS-CoV-1 (SARS) virion. But, don't worry, he's friendly and non-infectious. He's safe to be touched.
Have fun playing with Yanko!
Click here to visit website.